Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Come fly with me..."

We're often told that beginnings are the hardest- harder than getting the ending right because a good beginning inevitably leads to a good ending. 

I however, don't have a witty beginning, nor do I have a beginning that is eye-catching or even remotely funny. My beginning starts in the form of a one month post exam holiday to Malaysia.

As I am sending this blog link out to anyone and everyone I know who might read it, I hope that you'll all consider taking a few minutes out of every second day or so to read my updated blog posts to share my quirky sense of humour, my pains and my amazement at the wonderful differences that Malaysia's culture has to offer.

Thanks and happy reading!


  1. FIRST


    hope you have LOADS of fun amelia!! my mum wants to go to malaysia/thailand/singapore these hols.. she ckecked ticket prices and decided they were too expensive. ima guessing that you booked early =] are you going along or are there people with you? btw, i can hardly see that picture. is it you?

    p.s no, you're beginning isn't that bad
    p.p.s hmmm you need to sign in to view this blog.. what if there are some people who don't have a google/livejournal etc?

  2. LOL.
    If you want me to read this post, next update talk about something other than you want people to read your blog. Show me something new and speak honestly about what you were thinking about when you were traveling. Odds are that whatever you found interesting will interest me too if you were passionate about it :)

    Be uncompromising in your honesty and I will check this blog every hour on the hour to see what you're thinking with or without humour.

    Don't be afraid- Mateja

  3. Merry Christmas Amelia.

    I Like you blog site
